Looking for an easy Minute-to-Win-It–inspired game? Try one of these 45 fun and easy ideas below, which have adaptations for you to play them in game mode (as in the video) or in Minute-to-Win-It mode (in the text ideas). A lot of these games use supplies from our "game pantry," our term for all the essential supplies you need to create an evening of fun in no time at all. See what's inside our game pantry.
P.S. If you love these ideas, be sure toSUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNELfor more ideas that make it easy to plan party games and spend quality family time together.
MTWI Game #1:Try to geta ball trapped between the cups 15 times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #2:Try to balance 10cups on a yardstick in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #3:Try to get 12 cups in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #4(in the video at 0:16): Get 7 spin-and-catch successes in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #5(in the video at 1:01): Bounce a ball on the floor and catch it in a cup 15 times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #6(in the video at 2:01): Hit, bounce, and catch: Get 20 in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #7(in the video at 2:40): Bounce a ball 10 times in a row on a book.
MTWI Game #8(in the video at 3:17): Team competition: Toss it from one cup to another 15 times.
MTWI Game #9(in the video at 4:31): Drop a ball from a cup and then catch it inside three times in 60 seconds.
Don't miss our DIY at-home
with step-by-step instructions as well!
MTWI Game #10(in the video at 5:04): Drop a ball from your nose and catch it in a cup 8 times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #11(in the video at 6:10): Bounce the cup from the inside to the outside and back inside three times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #12(in the video at 7:17): Bounce a ball from the top of the cup to the inside 10times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #13(in the video at 8:11): Bounce a ball into a cup two times in a row without the cup tipping over.
MTWI Game #14(in the video at 10:00): Toss the ball in the air and catch it in the cup four times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #15:Use a hair pick to pick up a marble and hold it on the ridge of the pick for three seconds.
MTWI Game #16:Turn a straw into a helicopter and land it inside a paper towel roll.
MTWI Game #17(in the video at 0:07):Drop a ball through an empty toilet paper roll and bounce it back through the inside.
MTWI Game #18(in the video at0:40): Drop aball through an empty toilet paper roll and catch it sixtimes a row.
MTWI Game #19(in the video at 2:14): Play game #17 as a team game.
MTWI Game #20(in the video at 2:40): Team game: Drop a ball through two empty toilet paper rolls with a gap in between them; do it six times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #21:Sort a cup of 30 Lucky Charms pieces by oats and by individual colors.
MTWI Game #22: Walk a specified distance in 60 seconds holding anempty paper towel roll in one hand, placing a ball on it, and then balancing another empty roll on top (or try one of the variations in the video).
MTWI Game #23:Transfer a quarter cup of cereal from a bowl to a cup in 60 seconds by holding the spoon in your mouth.
MTWI Game #24:Balance 10 dice on a craft stick in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #25:Transfera bouncy ball from one empty toilet paper or paper towel roll into a second roll and back through the first one in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #26:Drop a ball from a cup held between your feet into a cup tied on your head in 60 seconds.
Don't miss our DIY at-home
with step-by-step instructions as well!
MTWI Game #27:Shoot seven pieces of rice through a straw into a bowl.
MTWI Game #28:Cut a pool noodle into small sections; place a ball on one side and then throw the ball into the air and catch it on the other side of the pool noodle threetimes in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #29:Bounce a ball from the left palm to the right palm to the top of the left hand and then back to the top of the right palm. Try to do it three times a row in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #30:Fill adrywater bottle with uncooked spaghetti and punch a hole in the lid. Try to shake all the spaghetti out of the water bottle in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #31:Place a toothpick inside a styrofoam block and try to get a practice golf ball (with holes) stuck on it three times in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #32(in the video at 0:06): Place a ball on a spoon; spin the spoon so the ball rolls over twomarked spots in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #33(in the video at 1:52): Bounce a ball and catch it in a spoon three times in a row in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #34(in the video at 3:22): Launch a ball from a spoon and get the spoon to land (or at least hit) the top of the ball once in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #35:Bounce a ball held between your elbows and get it to bounce and stop inside a ring once in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #36(in the video at 0:06): Stack two cups and then throw the top cupin the air and get it to land inside the bottom cup once in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #37(in the video at 1:27): Put two coins in a cup, toss them into the air, and catch them inside the cup oncer in 60 seconds. (Try one of our variations mentioned in the video as well.)
MTWI Game #38(in the video at 2:51): Form a Slinky into a U shape, place a bouncy ball inside, and then get it to fly from one side to the next.
MTWI Game #39(in the video at 4:14): Bounce a ball into the center of a paper towel roll once in 60 seconds. Try bouncing the ball off other objects first for a fun variation.
Don't miss our DIY at-home
with step-by-step instructions as well!
MTWI Game #40(in the video at 6:06): Place a ball on the front of a baseball cap. Flip the hat backward and catch the ball inside in under 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #41:Bounce a ball from a ring on an upside-down cake stand and then catch the ball in the center stand.
MTWI Game #42:Place two marks on a yardstick. Roll a ball from one mark to the other mark and back in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #43:Create narwhal horns from a bowl and a paper. Then try to walk or hop from one location to another in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #44:Tie a cup to your head and then try to drop three balls into a cup on the table in 60 seconds.
MTWI Game #45:Write the letters in the word"minute" on six small cards. Rearrange the letters to form 10 different words in 60 seconds.
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